Friday, May 22, 2015

Spring time fun

E is not afraid to get dirty - she loves to play with mulch and help in the yard!
She asked to pray before nap
85 degrees!
Cook out at a co-workers farm 

Watching daddy take his first horse ride

beautiful evening and yummy smores

Feeding her baby lunch
1 year ago!
1 year later!  Happy birthday G and H!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Cincinnati Zoo

They got to be pretty close as the giraffe came to get some food!

Waving at the bears 

Momma monkey looking at me with her new baby


One of the sweetest sounds - Eleanor reading her Bible to herself

Fun at the park on a windy day

Too much fun at the park!

Chopping food

Maybe a while longer before she is ready for the big kid swings

She had the whole park to herself!

Relaxing on the porch

Spring time blooms in our back yard
Big city girl has been hanging out with Aunt Amanda!