{Life} * {Love} * {Eleanor} * {Hattie} * {Joy} * {Family} * {Friends} * {Blessings}
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hard one
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hot week
Saturday, July 26, 2008
15 miles
This is the pavement where I stretched after my run. I was soaked! I left my mark on the pavement. Yes...that is my butt and back sweat print! GROSS!
We ran at the Heritage Trail again this week. We started before 7:30 this morning, but it still wasn't early enough. The run took 2:39, so around the end it was getting pretty warm. I used an energy gel diluted in my water. It was strawberry-banana flavored - it tasted pretty good and I think it worked pretty well.
The Heritage Trail runs behind Rose Hulman and next to their football field. The Colts are there practicing right now. There were a lot of people on the trail walking to the field. We saw the team on the field and I saw one player walk out of the port-a-potty!! There were two players riding their bikes on the trail before practice started. One of them was Jeff Saturday and the other was "a very big man" according to Craig!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Level up
I am starting to think that my training has been taken up a level. Wednesday was tough and all the long endurance runs from this point on will be distances that I have never ran before. I ordered my fuel belt on Tuesday, but I doubt it arrives before Saturday.
Tonight was a nice night for a short 30 minute run. I wish this weather could last the rest of the summer.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I started running my usual route, but had to change direction about a block from our house. There was a tree down in the road, which I thought would be fun to climb through, but I decided that probably wasn't the safest idea.
The run went well. This was my 40 minute run that got pushed back a day. It ended up being much nicer this morning compared to yesterday. The temperature was much lower, but there was still some humidity in the air. Plus I probably got a little extra work-out jumping over sticks and dodging puddles.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday through Saturday
Thursday: Morning's 30 minute run went well. Craig rode with me and we have a pretty good route that works well with little traffic and nice shady roads. My bites around my ankle were still itchy and painful. I ALMOST used it as an excuse to stay in bed, but Craig helped push me out of bed.
Friday: I changed my hour long massage to a half hour appointment because my bites prevented me from getting my legs massaged. That meant Craig got the other half hour and experienced his first massage! Also, I have managed to get poison ivy on my right hand and forearm. She did an awesome job concentrating on my back and shoulders. She also took some time to stretch my legs.
We took a trip to Indy in search of a belt that holds water for my runs. However, we were disappointed to find that Dick's Sporting Goods only had one brand and I thought it was too bulky and the bottles were too big. I will have to keep looking around. I did find a cute visor, Under Armour, of course.
Saturday: We were up late last night visiting with family so this morning didn't start as early as it should have. This turned out to be a very bad thing because by the end of my run around 11:30 it was 85 degrees, with the sun out, and high humidity. We drove to Terre Haute and ran on the Heritage Trail. It is a wide, paved trail that runs behind Rose Hulman and next to Hawthorne Park. According to the information we found, the trail length is 5.8 miles. However, the part of the trail that doesn't cross major roads is slightly more than 3 miles. So we ran down and then did a little excursion through Hawthorne park and ran back. The trail was pretty heavily traveled by bikers, runners, and even a few rollerblading! The goal for today was 8 miles at 10:45 to 11:10 pace, but by the time we made it back to the car we were about 0.3 miles short. I decided that ok due to the heat and humidity! I'm still disappointed because this is the first time I haven't met my goal. My average pace was 10:43. I know for next time; get my lazy butt out of bed earlier!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Itchy running
Monday, July 14, 2008
Interesting Run
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Goal: 13 miles

Thursday, July 10, 2008
30 minute run
My goal for this Saturday's long run is to get a course mapped out ahead of time. So far I have been able to get by with running with a general idea of how to get the miles in, but now that I'm up to 13 miles, I really will do much better with a plan.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Early morning
Monday, July 7, 2008
I made a mistake while I was estimating my mileage. I can't add! I won't be able to complete 100 miles before my scheduled massage on my day off on the 18th...but I will be close. So I have decided to keep my appointment, mainly due to having one day off this summer.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Holiday weekend
My body hasn’t been sore since my run, which is unusual. I think it was because I had a really great stretch and kept things loose by hiking at Turkey Run for a couple hours Saturday afternoon. I went with my sister, Sarah and had a really nice time. Trail 3 was terribly busy and very wet, but the other trails weren’t crowded and not quite as muddy. It has been a great holiday weekend, but it went way too fast!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th of July

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
DONE with geography!
So even though this week has been busy, with less sleep than I would like, I still ran this morning and did a couple miles on the bike last night with Craig. (My bike is a yard sale junker. Every time I pedal, the foot pedal hits the kickstand and it makes horrible noises when I brake - but it does the job for as little as I ride!) This morning's training was at the track doing 10x400 at 2:05 pace with 2 minutes rest. I didn't wake up Craig to go with me because we were up so late, so I took my ipod with me to be my motivation. However, I must have left it on when I was using it last to take my test, so it was dead. So I was left with the noises from the birds and my thoughts. There is definitely a pretty big component to running that is mental. I usually try to tell myself, "This hurts now, but I need to continue so I can stand at the start line at the marathon and be confident that I have trained well." or "My body is smart. It will learn that this hurts, so it will grow stronger for next time." But a little Kanye West - "Stronger" always helps too.
I decided that I needed just a little more motivation and incentive so I set the goal: for every 100 miles that I run - I earn a 1 hour massage! I have already scheduled an appointment for one on the 18th - my day off. I should hit 100 miles on the 12th. I'm looking forward to it. I had my first massage ever about 3 weeks ago from a great lady that works at the chiropractor office here in town. I highly recommend her.
Also just a quick note about another motivating factor. Another generous person donated to the American Cancer Society through my website, so now I have reached 85% of my goal!