Craig spotted this one! 7 ft tall spruce!
It has a few areas of "character," but it has a nice shape!
That tree never saw Craig coming!
That tree never saw Craig coming!
One last hug before we killed it!
With Craig's trusty new sharp saw that tree would have been down in 30 seconds, but I thought I had to try. I made NO progress, so Craig finished.
Ta Da!
The tree is cut! We found out that this kind of tree is pretty pokey - it's needles are sharp! Also, it has really sticky sap! I had to dig out the rubbing alcohol just so my fingers didn't stick together! We were warned that this tree is a little sensitive, so we bought tablets to put in the water. I have watered it several times already. I hope this tree will last through the new year and that we are good Christmas tree parents!
I'm so glad we got our tree yesterday 6 hours before it started snowing! It is definitely starting to feel a lot like Christmas!