Yay for 40 degrees! It has finally warmed up! I am so glad to be able to run outside again!
I had been doing most of my runs inside because it was too dark and cold when I had the opportunity to run. My shins have been sore off and on because of the indoor running. I really thought I had injured myself this week.
I could barely finish 5 miles on Wednesday (inside) because my shins hurt so bad. I stopped running half way through to walk, and that only made it worse. I stopped and stretched and really didn't feel any better. I finished the 5 miles, but didn't feel too great about it.
Thursday I was able to leave work on time and make it home with a little daylight left. I was so excited to run outside. I felt fine at first, but then my shins were on fire and I felt like I could barely walk. I cut the run by 1.5 miles, started ibuprofen and iced. I took ibuprofen all day Friday and by Saturday I was feeling fine! I was able to have a really good 16 mile run outside!
Craig met me half way through the run with his bike. It was around 35 degrees and pretty foggy, but the birds were singing and it was a nice quiet morning.
I have always been afraid that an injury would slow me down or stop my training. So hopefully, whatever was going on with my shins is over with. Also, hopefully I can do the rest of my training outside!
The endurance class that I joined at the YMCA ended in mid-December and starts up again on Tuesday. This new session is geared toward getting people in shape for the Indy Mini Marathon. My mileage requirements will be a lot different than the class's until I am done with the marathon. (Which is only 61 days away!!!) Before Christmas break, Craig and I sat down with the Coach and laid out a schedule. We will meet Tuesday night to discuss goals for everyone. I'm excited to run and have the support of the group again.