Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thanksgiving pottery tradition

This year Grayson got to participate in the painting instead of sleeping through it!

Mom and Abby are professionals!

Abby painting her snowman
Craig painted a spoon holder

Eric painted a coffee mug

Still working on his project...

Here is my ornament for the year!

Sarah getting some help from Abby
Panoramic view of the pottery place
Cheese!  Ready to go get some lunch!

Goofy boy waiting patiently on lunch!

West Baden

Last weekend Craig and I drove a little over an hour south to spend the night at West Baden Springs hotel.  It was a relaxing weekend with a lot to celebrate.  We celebrated Craig's birthday, that I finished my 3 classes with all As, that Craig got a new management position, and that we have a baby girl on the way!

The hotel definitely put us in the Christmas mood!  The tree was as tall as the 6 floors of hotel rooms.  It was amazing.  We did a lot of people watching and it was so neat to see people's reaction to the tree.  They also have a polar express train ride for kids to enjoy in their pajamas, so that was really cute to see too with the kids all walking around with their Christmas bells.

The part at the top above the tree changed colors, almost like a kaleidoscope.

Outside front entrance.

View the next morning with the sun shining in!

Close-up of the huge ornaments

There were even Christmas carolers!
Panoramic view of the atrium


Couldn't get enough of the beautiful tree and hotel!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fun weekend with Grayson

Grayson discovered he liked our sprinkler and he liked to carry it around!

He pruned our mums!

It was such a beautiful day that we all went to the park.

This time he decided the back yard needed some landscaping.

Just the necessities - iphone, sippy cup, and cuddle time!

Our neighborhood cat provided some entertainment!

Uncle Craig makes a pretty good jungle gym!

Thanksgiving fun

We really got Grayson wound up and he put on quite a show for us!

You can hear the sound effects coming from his lips as he moves his train along!