Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Watch Out...

 ...If you are in our house right now, there is a good chance that you might get cleaned, organized, or thrown away.  Craig calls it nesting.  I call it...it just needs to be done!

My project for Saturday:  organize. the. office! 

This is about halfway through.  It always looks worse before it gets better!  The closet, which is the length of the room, also got organized.  

All the paper in the box on the left needs to be shredded.  I'm not sure why I kept all our bill invoices all the way back from 2009.  The stack on the right is magazines and papers that need recycled.  The 3 huge stacks of papers that were on the desk in the "to be filed" piles have been filed away!

Here is the office the next day.  In total it took about 12 hours!  It feels much better!

Monday also proved to be a productive day.  After meeting our pediatrician, we got some breakfast and went shopping.  We have a three story antique mall here in Bloomington and found this great cabinet.

We packed our wedding china in boxes 3 1/2 years ago when we moved down to Bloomington.  We haven't had a great place to put it until now!  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January Catch-up!

My friend Kelly and I worked on our first little crafty project for the nursery!  

Craig and I met some friends to paint pottery after Christmas!
Tree in the backyard
We had dinner with friends at the Melting Pot!  Our chocolate fondue was on fire!  So yummy!

Icicles off our garage

Craig and Dave played in the snow!  Brrrr!

We went to the Wizard of Oz with some family!  Very good play with a very well trained Toto!

We have a crib!  It barely fit in the car and Craig had to load it by himself, but WE HAVE A CRIB!  It is still in the box, but at least we are making progress!

I got to spend some time playing cars with Grayson!  He is so cute, smart, and funny!

December 26th:  We had a blizzard!  Somewhere around a foot of snow came down at our house!

Craig pulled into the driveway and shoveled a path for me to get out and into the house!

Our front trees were covered!

The snow really drifted against our back doors!