Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fall Family Photos 2014

19 months

This girl!!  She is just too busy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Discovery Time!  We learned about the moon and did a craft on moon phases!  Totally over her head and all the preschool age children there, but they all had fun.

She could play in the water all day long!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

October wrap-up

Hug for the scarecrow!  Our church has a pumpkin patch every year.  One pretty Friday morning after my women's group, Eleanor and I walked around and looked at all the pumpkins.

18 month and fall family photos turned out beautifully at Oliver Winery!

She LOVES her hello kitty pumpkin!
One gymnastics class she spent the entire time kicking around this purple ball.  I was pretty impressed with her coordination.

She loves her babies!

which color next?

Chevron pants and mommy's sunglasses on her head - too cool!

Daddy time!

While I was working on her Halloween costume, E loved wearing her tutu from Aunt Toni.

She actually had a fever on this day, just a virus, but was starting to feel back to normal when she fell and busted her lip.  Turns out mommy doesn't handle Eleanor blood too well.

Crazy hair don't care

Gymnastics with our friend Lukas

My laundry helper.  She is actually really good at stacking the socks.

Ya know…just laying in the grass…just cause.  

The cutest ghost around!  Happy Halloween!

Waiting on trick or treaters!

If only she knew what goodness was inside the wrapper!

CANDY!  She did a great job of picking out candy and putting it in her bucket.  I was amazed at how quickly she caught on.  We only went to 5 houses in our neighborhood because it was SNOWING!  We made quick stops to a few co-worker's houses and then spent the rest of the evening at our friend Lukas's house.

They had so much fun playing together!

Back home, check out her loot!

SNOW on Halloween!

We finally got the spring bulbs in the ground.  I can't wait to have tulips in the landscape again.

She loved using the shovel!
(New words today: shovel, mulch, helper, and snowman)