Based on the previous 2 weeks experience during the long runs, we got up very early to try to beat the heat on Saturday. We headed to Heritage Trail again this week and started the run around 5:30. We got about 500 feet down the trail before I was gripping Craig's bicep and whining! It was pitch black and I was scared! Once we got on the trail and inside the trees it was just way too dark to see to run. Craig had a flashlight, but it didn't illuminate much of the trail. So we turned around and hung out in the car until the sun starting coming up around 6:15.
I had a lot of doubt hanging out in the back of my mind before I started the run. 17 miles just seemed...not impossible, but...very long! We ran the full length of the trail - 5.8 miles and then added almost 2 more miles running around ISU's campus. There were several areas in the shade with a cool breeze that made the run really enjoyable. By the time we were running back by Rose Hulman there was a lot of fans eagerly waiting for the Colts, but we didn't get to see any players this week. When we got back to where we started, I still had another 2 miles. When my watch said 17 miles, I started walking - I could hardly walk straight!
I used my fuel belt for the first time. It has 4 bottles that hold 8 oz each. I used a carb gel diluted in the bottles. I liked it pretty well, but the bottles must have hit my hip bones because they are sore today. My heart rate monitor also rubbed a spot raw. There are certain issues that arise when your body is in constant motion for 3 hours! I am slightly sore today, mainly in my legs, but also a little bit everywhere.
I Jess - I just wanted to wish you luck as you run Chicago for the American Cancer Association. I saw your blog, and wanted to make sure you knew that the MMRF (multiple myeloma research foundation) now has it's own Marathon and Half Marathon program. I see that your grandfather has mulitiple myeloma, and I thought you might be interested to know that.
If you are interested in getting on our email list for future events (no committment necessary) please email me at
You can also learn more about our program at
Thanks, and good luck training for Chicago!
Keep it up, Jess!! Run, run, run...
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