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Monday, September 29, 2008
Course video
I have been using a discussion board on runnersworld.com to get more information about the Chicago marathon. Someone posted a video that takes you through the course. I have been trying to study the course a little just to know where key points are, such as half way, etc. The video is slightly different from the course this year, but it still gives pretty good perspective of how long the race is! It is nice to see there are a few areas of trees for shade. The finish line will be an amazing sight! I can't wait!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday morning we had a quick 30 minute run.
Sunday morning's goal was 10 miles at the usual 10:45 to 11:10 pace. Usually my long run is on Saturday but it got bumped to today. It is good practice to run a Sunday since the race will be held on a Sunday in 2 weeks!
It has been a busy, but good weekend. The weather was beautiful for a home ISU football game. Unfortunately they didn't win even though they came very close. Saturday evening we had dinner with some friends before going to the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. The music was wonderful. They had a guest pianist, Di Wu, who is amazing! We actually saw her last year so I was really looking forward to hearing her again. Check out her site for amazing music. She is VERY animated when she plays so it is neat to see her. She also has a video on youtube.
I had a patient on Friday who lives in Chicago and was giving me some tips on pasta restaurants before the race. I feel like I have a lot of last minute details to figure out so that our trip will be as stress-free as possible. We already have borrowed a GPS so we won't be totally lost. I can't believe it will be here before I know it. The next two weeks are actually pretty busy so the time should go fast. I am a little worried about the Friday before the marathon. I have the day off and Craig will be out of town...I'll probably go crazy packing and repacking!
Sunday morning's goal was 10 miles at the usual 10:45 to 11:10 pace. Usually my long run is on Saturday but it got bumped to today. It is good practice to run a Sunday since the race will be held on a Sunday in 2 weeks!
It has been a busy, but good weekend. The weather was beautiful for a home ISU football game. Unfortunately they didn't win even though they came very close. Saturday evening we had dinner with some friends before going to the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. The music was wonderful. They had a guest pianist, Di Wu, who is amazing! We actually saw her last year so I was really looking forward to hearing her again. Check out her site for amazing music. She is VERY animated when she plays so it is neat to see her. She also has a video on youtube.
I had a patient on Friday who lives in Chicago and was giving me some tips on pasta restaurants before the race. I feel like I have a lot of last minute details to figure out so that our trip will be as stress-free as possible. We already have borrowed a GPS so we won't be totally lost. I can't believe it will be here before I know it. The next two weeks are actually pretty busy so the time should go fast. I am a little worried about the Friday before the marathon. I have the day off and Craig will be out of town...I'll probably go crazy packing and repacking!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
1st Taper Week
I really can't believe that my first week of tapering is here. I have a much different schedule this week, only running three times. Next week is a little more normal. and then the following week is marathon week! That will be the week where a crazy amount of nervous energy is spent gearing up for the race!
Today was just a 30 minute run. I am very glad that we ran early to beat the heat because it got very warm today.
One of my patients that I saw today is signed up for the Columbus marathon the week after the Chicago. It is also supposed to be a "flat, fast" course. It was really great talking to someone else who is in the same place in his training. We compared energy methods, shoes, shorts, training schedules, etc!!! It was great to hear someone who is just as excited as I am. We both agreed that the main goal is to have fun and finish, however, he is hoping to qualify to run the Boston Marathon next April. One of the great things he has going for him is that he has a friend that he does all his training with and will run the marathon together. As much as I LOVE having Craig by my side on his bike, it would be great to have a running partner.
Today was just a 30 minute run. I am very glad that we ran early to beat the heat because it got very warm today.
One of my patients that I saw today is signed up for the Columbus marathon the week after the Chicago. It is also supposed to be a "flat, fast" course. It was really great talking to someone else who is in the same place in his training. We compared energy methods, shoes, shorts, training schedules, etc!!! It was great to hear someone who is just as excited as I am. We both agreed that the main goal is to have fun and finish, however, he is hoping to qualify to run the Boston Marathon next April. One of the great things he has going for him is that he has a friend that he does all his training with and will run the marathon together. As much as I LOVE having Craig by my side on his bike, it would be great to have a running partner.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
While we were in Bloomington we visited Oliver Winery and had a great time. We were able to go on a tour and get an understanding of the wine making process. The property was beautiful with gorgeous landscape. The above photo our view from where we sat on the deck and enjoyed some bread, cheese, and a beverage! Beyond the flowers is a sloping hill down to a pond with picnic tables. It was a pretty day with a great breeze. It was nice to sit and enjoy the day.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
30 min run
Tonight was a quick 30 minute run. Sometimes I need a run to change my mood. Too bad I didn't have the opportunity to run around noon today. I had a busy couple of days and I let it get to me. I feel like a different person since my run tonight.
I can't believe it, but my distance for Saturday is only 3 miles! This is a low mileage week, before I start tapering the next 3 weeks. We will be out of town so this will be a good chance to practice for the marathon - remembering to pack every little detail! Have a good weekend!
I can't believe it, but my distance for Saturday is only 3 miles! This is a low mileage week, before I start tapering the next 3 weeks. We will be out of town so this will be a good chance to practice for the marathon - remembering to pack every little detail! Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Celebrities who run
Here are some celebrities that have ran a least one marathon. I hope to finish somewhere around Will Ferrell's time...unless it is hot and humid and then it will be closer to Oprah's. Shooting for Lance's time might be a little optimistic. Other celebrities.

Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell
Monday's run and FINALLY success!
Monday night was another lonely run. Not only was Craig in class, followed by a late meeting, but I also didn't have my watch! I thought I had plugged in my watch to charge. It even looked like it was plugged in. However, I hadn't completely connected it so my watch had no juice in its battery. I haven't run once without it since I bought it in May. I plugged it in for 10 minutes just to see if it could get enough of a charge for a 40 minute jog, but it didn't work. I didn't realize how much I depended on the watch to give me feedback on pace, time, heart rate, etc. I ran a route that we have run a hundred times, so I knew the distance that I would run and the time it would take me. I still had this weird feeling of insecurity without it!
Today's goal was 8 miles at 8:45-8:50 pace. I FINALLY REACHED MY GOAL!!! This morning was the perfect weather - about 45 degrees and the stars were beautiful again. The moon was really bright and actually provided some light on the streets. For the past 6 weeks, my Wednesday goal was to run at a pace that is 10-15 seconds faster than race pace. The first several times I tried I was really discouraged! It was hard! 2 weeks ago for 7 miles my average pace was 9:22. 1 week ago the goal was 8 miles and I completed with an average pace of 9:02. And then today was another 8 miles at 8:49! I'm happy that I finally hit the goal. I know the biggest factor was the weather. If race day is like today, I will have a lot more confidence in a successful run than if it is warm and humid.
Today's goal was 8 miles at 8:45-8:50 pace. I FINALLY REACHED MY GOAL!!! This morning was the perfect weather - about 45 degrees and the stars were beautiful again. The moon was really bright and actually provided some light on the streets. For the past 6 weeks, my Wednesday goal was to run at a pace that is 10-15 seconds faster than race pace. The first several times I tried I was really discouraged! It was hard! 2 weeks ago for 7 miles my average pace was 9:22. 1 week ago the goal was 8 miles and I completed with an average pace of 9:02. And then today was another 8 miles at 8:49! I'm happy that I finally hit the goal. I know the biggest factor was the weather. If race day is like today, I will have a lot more confidence in a successful run than if it is warm and humid.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
End of Week 13
Saturday's goal was 14 miles. It was very humid, but luckily the sun didn't come out until after the run. I required more water today than I ever have on my long runs. Compared to last Saturday that was beautiful, mild weather where I drank less than 8 ounces, today I drank all four of my 8 ounce bottles and most of Craig's Gatorade. I'm just glad the run is over! From this point on I am definitely on the down hill of training!
Congratulations Eric on the new position at Indiana Wesleyan!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yay for fall weather
Fall is here! The flowers are changing and the mums are starting to show a few blooms. This morning was beautiful. The stars were very brilliant. The temperature was under 50 degrees. I tried out my new running tights for the first time and liked the way they feel. I know I will feel comfortable b
The goal for today was 8 miles at 8:45-8:50/mile pace. My average pace was 9:02, which is 20 second faster pace than last Wednesday's 7 miles. However, the weather conditions were extreme opposites. Last week was miserable and today was perfect. I was happy with how today's workout went.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Thoughts on cancer
No running today...at least so far. We are chillin at Coffee Grounds "doing homework" and I thought I would take this chance to write about some things that have been on my mind. Since I have signed up as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society it seems like I have been more aware of the people around me that have been affected by cancer. I have several patients that have cancer and I have seen how cancer is affecting a co-worker's husband. Craig and I have had several discussions after I come home and tell him the stories of these people. When I place myself in their situation and try to think about the things that they are faced with - it comes down to two questions for me:
1.) How can people face the ugly face of cancer without God in their life? I would have to rely on the fact that somehow a cancer diagnosis is going to be used for good in some way - to credit God with a healing, to strengthen my own relationship with God, or for whatever God has in his will.
The other question is 2.) WHAT CAN I DO?!? Because cancer does not discriminate, it seems so unfair when someone gets cancer that doesn't drink or smoke or have any contributing factors. Cancer patients have to trust their doctors and have faith that they are receiving the best treatment. Personally I have concluded that one of the best ways to help with this cause is to help raise money for research. I think I would feel helpless and this is one way that I can actively play a role in doing something about it.
I had a pretty long conversation with a patient on Friday about her diagnosis of cystic adenoid cancer. It is a very rare form of cancer that is slow growing. It develops in the salivary glands and in the head and neck area. She was diagnosed 6 years ago at age 55. I asked her what her first symptoms was. She told me that she usually walked 3 to 4 miles per day and noticed that she was wheezing. She went to her doctor who said it was probably asthma and sent her to a specialist for that. She exercised immediately before her appointment with the specialist and when he listened to her lungs, she was wheezing when she inhaled and exhaled. The doctor immediately knew that it wasn't asthma. She completed more tests and was told that she had a tumor that was most likely benign and would need surgery. During the procedure they realized that there was more than one tumor and that it was cancerous. The surgery was more extensive than they had expected and she now has a permanent tracheotomy. Her voice is just a whisper. She has an amazing attitude. She does enough of her own research to know that there are cases out there that are much worse and have affected people at much younger ages. She said that she has to live the rest of her life to the fullest. There is no genetic link, no environment factors, nothing that she can contribute her cancer to that she could have prevented. She is healthy otherwise, and views that fact as a gift to help her body fight. She has chest scans every 4 months because they guess that it will move into her lungs next. She said she doesn't see the point of the scans because this form of cancer is not treatable with chemo or radiation. Even if it moves to her lungs, it can't be treated.
Right now my co-worker's husband is undergoing a new form of chemo that is giving him pretty terrible side effects. He has sores that line his entire mouth and throat. Tana told me that if he eats something cold it feels good on his mouth, but burns his throat. If he tries warm soup, it burns his mouth, but feels good on his throat. Most days he can't stand to brush his teeth and at times his diet consists solely of saltines if anything at all.
I haven't written all this to be a "debbie-downer," but just to express my realization for what cancer can do. One of the statistics that really stood out to me when I was signing up as a charity runner was: "In the United States, men have slightly less than a 1-in-2 lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than 1 in 3." Wow.
1.) How can people face the ugly face of cancer without God in their life? I would have to rely on the fact that somehow a cancer diagnosis is going to be used for good in some way - to credit God with a healing, to strengthen my own relationship with God, or for whatever God has in his will.
The other question is 2.) WHAT CAN I DO?!? Because cancer does not discriminate, it seems so unfair when someone gets cancer that doesn't drink or smoke or have any contributing factors. Cancer patients have to trust their doctors and have faith that they are receiving the best treatment. Personally I have concluded that one of the best ways to help with this cause is to help raise money for research. I think I would feel helpless and this is one way that I can actively play a role in doing something about it.
I had a pretty long conversation with a patient on Friday about her diagnosis of cystic adenoid cancer. It is a very rare form of cancer that is slow growing. It develops in the salivary glands and in the head and neck area. She was diagnosed 6 years ago at age 55. I asked her what her first symptoms was. She told me that she usually walked 3 to 4 miles per day and noticed that she was wheezing. She went to her doctor who said it was probably asthma and sent her to a specialist for that. She exercised immediately before her appointment with the specialist and when he listened to her lungs, she was wheezing when she inhaled and exhaled. The doctor immediately knew that it wasn't asthma. She completed more tests and was told that she had a tumor that was most likely benign and would need surgery. During the procedure they realized that there was more than one tumor and that it was cancerous. The surgery was more extensive than they had expected and she now has a permanent tracheotomy. Her voice is just a whisper. She has an amazing attitude. She does enough of her own research to know that there are cases out there that are much worse and have affected people at much younger ages. She said that she has to live the rest of her life to the fullest. There is no genetic link, no environment factors, nothing that she can contribute her cancer to that she could have prevented. She is healthy otherwise, and views that fact as a gift to help her body fight. She has chest scans every 4 months because they guess that it will move into her lungs next. She said she doesn't see the point of the scans because this form of cancer is not treatable with chemo or radiation. Even if it moves to her lungs, it can't be treated.
Right now my co-worker's husband is undergoing a new form of chemo that is giving him pretty terrible side effects. He has sores that line his entire mouth and throat. Tana told me that if he eats something cold it feels good on his mouth, but burns his throat. If he tries warm soup, it burns his mouth, but feels good on his throat. Most days he can't stand to brush his teeth and at times his diet consists solely of saltines if anything at all.
I haven't written all this to be a "debbie-downer," but just to express my realization for what cancer can do. One of the statistics that really stood out to me when I was signing up as a charity runner was: "In the United States, men have slightly less than a 1-in-2 lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than 1 in 3." Wow.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Warm, Buggy, Lonely ramblings
Tonight was a warmish, VERY buggy, lonely run. Craig has class on Monday nights, so I ran by myself for the first time in probably close to 2 months. Ever since Craig got his bike, he has been by my side.
It was a good 40 minute run. Actually my training schedule said to rest tonight, but after last week's laziness, I decided that I should run. I wore my new race shoes for the first time and they are great.
I ran into a lot of bugs tonight. I knocked them off my shirt when I was done, but when I looked in the mirror, they were stuck to my neck with sweat! GROSS! Like 10 of them!
Since I was running alone, I ran with my phone. I have a total of one song on it, but right now it my favorite song - Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath. I listened to it about 5-6 times in a row during the last half of my run. My ipod was uncharged since I haven't used it in 2 months!
It was a good 40 minute run. Actually my training schedule said to rest tonight, but after last week's laziness, I decided that I should run. I wore my new race shoes for the first time and they are great.
I ran into a lot of bugs tonight. I knocked them off my shirt when I was done, but when I looked in the mirror, they were stuck to my neck with sweat! GROSS! Like 10 of them!
Since I was running alone, I ran with my phone. I have a total of one song on it, but right now it my favorite song - Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath. I listened to it about 5-6 times in a row during the last half of my run. My ipod was uncharged since I haven't used it in 2 months!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Great weather today
Today is a beautiful day which made for a great run this morning. I realized around mile 5 that I hadn't even taken a drink of water yet. The temps were low 60s and no humidity. I didn't use a carb gel and I can only hope that the weather is this perfect in 5 weeks.
This week didn't go exactly as planned. It was typical Indiana weather with a little influence from Gustav. Monday was HOT, Wednesday was humid with lots of rain, and by Friday it was cool and breezy! 2 of my runs got put off and then never happened. I should have run another 7 miles this week. However, judging by how my quads and knees felt on Wednesday's run, I'm pretty sure I needed some extra recovery after the 21 miles last Saturday. (Sounds good anyway!) Today we threw in an extra mile, so technically, I'm only 6 short this week!
Highlight of today's run: We saw 2 deer - one was a baby with all its little white spots. Also, we had a small water fight and I won, of course!
Low light: Apparently a "drunk man" stirred some things up with some runners on the trail ahead of us, so we got to witness most of the verbal altercation. Luckily it was only colorful language instead of any fighting. We have run into a few "shady" people on the trail over the past couple months. You really have to wonder what people's motives or intentions are when they are out and about at 6 in the morning, obviously not exercising. Craig always keeps his cell phone with him and 99.9% of the time I feel safe, especially with Craig.
This week didn't go exactly as planned. It was typical Indiana weather with a little influence from Gustav. Monday was HOT, Wednesday was humid with lots of rain, and by Friday it was cool and breezy! 2 of my runs got put off and then never happened. I should have run another 7 miles this week. However, judging by how my quads and knees felt on Wednesday's run, I'm pretty sure I needed some extra recovery after the 21 miles last Saturday. (Sounds good anyway!) Today we threw in an extra mile, so technically, I'm only 6 short this week!
Highlight of today's run: We saw 2 deer - one was a baby with all its little white spots. Also, we had a small water fight and I won, of course!
Low light: Apparently a "drunk man" stirred some things up with some runners on the trail ahead of us, so we got to witness most of the verbal altercation. Luckily it was only colorful language instead of any fighting. We have run into a few "shady" people on the trail over the past couple months. You really have to wonder what people's motives or intentions are when they are out and about at 6 in the morning, obviously not exercising. Craig always keeps his cell phone with him and 99.9% of the time I feel safe, especially with Craig.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
7 miles
The dreaded Wednesday run...Today's goal was 7 miles at 8:45 to 8:50 pace. That didn't happen. I ran early to try to beat the heat and humidity, but it was still pretty miserable out. Actually when I ran by a corn field the air felt great, but that was only about a 1/4 mile. I know I stayed close to target pace for about the first 3 miles. I looked at my watch every time I went under a light pole. However, I felt pretty tired and sore during the last half and was closer to a 9:30 pace. We have two different loops that we regularly run during the week. One loop is 3 miles and the other is 4 miles. So for this morning's 7 miles we completed both of the loops. Suddenly today I was noticing the slightest inclines and the run felt hard. My knees were yelling and my quads were really sore. I haven't felt any soreness since about Monday from Saturday's 21 miles, but I guess I haven't fully recovered. My average pace ended up being 9:22. Most of the run was in the dark and I worried about tripping on a pot holes and a sneak attack from a dog. I'm pretty sure at one point I had a locust on my back - yuck!
GREAT news: I received 2 more donations for the American Cancer Society which helps me reach my goal! That really makes my day!!
GREAT news: I received 2 more donations for the American Cancer Society which helps me reach my goal! That really makes my day!!
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