Sunday, November 16, 2008


This has been quite a week, but it ended with a good, relaxing weekend. I really let work stress me out at the beginning of the week. I had a very busy schedule the first half of the week and I wasn't happy with how I handled my attitude through it. My schedule fell apart Thursday and I actually had time to remember why I like my job. An 8 year old made my week on Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately she had never had a dental exam and her mouth was full of decay. This situation doesn't happen very often because the state requires a dental exam before kids can enter public school for kindergarten. She attends a private school and was a lot of fun to work with, however, she has a lot of dental work ahead of her.

Another stress happened Tuesday night when I managed to tick my English professor off. We have required chats to discuss topics and one of my questions to the professor was misunderstood. I really didn't mean any harm, but I wrote an apology email and when she replied, she said that she had felt challenged by my question and therefore ticked. Not a good thing. Fortunately, only one more essay and a final exam left for the class.

This week I realized that I had only ran twice in the month since the marathon. I'm not really a cold weather runner, so I decided that I needed to get a gym membership. I went back to my old gym at Union Hospital and got signed up again. Since I am "new" I get four free personal training sessions. I met with a trainer, Chad, on Friday after work and got a good full body workout. One of the areas that I knew would enhance my running and was highly recommended was doing cross training to strengthen other muscles and to reduce injury. However, I never really made the time to get those workouts in. So even though I felt like I was in shape, I knew that I was going to be sore after lifting weights.

I enjoyed Chad's knowledge and the workout, however he isn't very good at listening. I told him that I had just run a marathon, but he still made the comment that I should start feeling like I have more energy once I start working out. Hello - I have been working out!! At the end of the session, I was asking him a question about how often to weight train vs. cardio. He told me that I could do cardio three to five times a week because "You don't need to lose that much weight." Now if I had told him that it was goal of mine to lose weight, I would have appreciated the comment. However, I don't feel like I need to lose weight (and if I do, I am happy to be in denial!) So that has been the running joke this weekend, that I don't need to lose THAT much weight! Actually Chad did a body fat assessment and after pinching me three times, he assessed that my percentage was average. So anyway, my goal is to work out 5 days a week, with weights 3 times weekly. Also, I don't think I'll be going back to Chad!

I'm officially in the Christmas mood after I watched "Elf" this weekend. I already have the Christmas CDs in the car. We attempted to get our Christmas shopping started today, but didn't find anything. (I did find a pair of sunglasses for 90% off!!! You can't beat a pair of sunglasses for $2.60!!!)

Today was one of the weeks that I work in the nursery at church. On an average Sunday, we might have one or two babies for the two of us. However, today we had six kids with three of them needing constant attention! It was a workout!

This will hopefully be a better week. I have a paper due Friday and Craig has a second interview on Thursday.

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