Our trip to DC started very early last Thursday morning. Our flight was at 6:10!! However, arriving so early allowed us the whole day for sight-seeing! The weather was great and it was a nice day to walk around.

Our first stop was the Supreme Court.

We were able to attend a lecture in the courtroom and learn a little more about how the system works. It was neat to be in the same room that such important people sit to make such important decisions.

We then headed across the street to the Capitol.

We took a tour through the new Visitor Center.
The rotunda is amazing. It is hard to grasp just how tall this area is. Our tour guide told us that the Statue of Liberty could sit on the floor of this building and there would still be room above her head before the top of the ceiling.
The semicircular room, called the Statuary Hall has almost 40 statues. Each state is allowed 2 statues, but not all fit in this room. The tour guide also said that because the statues weighed so much, they were limited to how many the floor could stand to hold.

I just happened to stand next to this guy during the tour and didn't catch his name.

Our last stop was the Library of Congress.

I think the thing I was most impressed with here was the fact that every little detail of the architecture had a story. We had a very knowledgeable docent that explained so much of what we were seeing. 
After all that sight-seeing we met a family friend, Helen at a wonderful Italian restaurant, Portofinos in Gay and Bill's old neighborhood. It was a very long day, but very very good day. It was great weather for walking around and seeing so much. It was also nice to sit and chat with Helen and catch up with Gay and Bill! I think we all slept very well that night!
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