Sunday, August 1, 2010

Zoo Wedding!

Craig's friend from college got married Friday evening. Their ceremony was held outside at the Botanical Gardens at the Indianapolis zoo and the reception was held in the dolphin area. It was an amazing wedding!

Elizabeth and Blake before the wedding, getting photos and greeting the guests with an elephant.

Men of the wedding party!

We got to take pictures and pet the elephant before the ceremony. How neat! The elephant actually felt pretty hairy!

Cutest usher ever! Craig escorting Grandma Jo to her seat.

The weather was perfect, low humidity and slightly cloudy, keeping everyone comfortable.
A few birds greeted us on our way out of the ceremony.

The dolphin area was so neat!

Beautiful place to hold a reception.

Blake and Elizabeth after the wedding, getting relaxed with some appetizers and drinks after their special day. They had an amazing wedding!

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