This is personally one of my favorite pictures. It's almost like Craig is shouting at you through the picture, "I'm so famous" and "No pictures!" Craig was trying on his new suit and wasn't sure he liked it...yet.

I went for a little something different when I got my nails done for New Year's Eve. Sarah gave me the idea! My nails looked good with the dress, but my boss didn't really like them on Monday morning! He looked at them twice and then asked me, "What is on your fingers?" I laughed and just said they were left over from the weekend. He said, "My 1st grade daughter would love those!" So I took the paint off that night! After it started to chip it almost looked like I had been playing in the dirt for a little too long!

Our paperwhite lillies were beautiful this year! They are very tall and falling all over the place! I love getting them each year from Aunt Gay and Uncle Bill and watching them grow from tiny spikes barely poking out of the dirt to blooming by Christmas!

Since our tree was so massive this year, all the Christmas cards that we received found a place on the tree! It helped fill in the spaces!

It was definitely a learning experience having a live tree for the first time this year. Our tree stopped drinking water and started losing needles. This is the pile just from taking off the lights and ornaments. Lesson learned: Apparently they make huge bags that you hide under the tree skirt and then just easily pull up and over the tree to get it out of the house.

UGG!! What a mess! It took forever to clean up the needles! My vacuum really got it's workout!

A couple weeks ago we ran to Assembly Hall to watch the half time of a women's game.

My friend Mandy is coaching some 5th and 6th grade girls and they got the opportunity to scrimmage during half time. They had just started their season and still had a lot of learning to do but it was pretty entertaining to watch!

On the left: New toothbrush. On the right: Craig's toothbrush.
No matter how hard I try to be the best dental hygienist possible, I have failed. I try and try and try to get the message across to my husband that he doesn't have to "scrub" his teeth and apply so much pressure! His toothbrush usually looks this bad after about a month! If I can't break my husband's bad brushing habits, how can I help the great patients in the Ellettsville/Bloomington area?!?!

Really?! Wow.
1 comment:
You blogged about my toothbrush..? You're ridiculous.
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