Who knew it was so easy to put a few pictures up and sell appliances on craigslist?! I need more stuff to sell!!! We sold all the kitchen appliances to one person within 48 hours. We met with a couple last night who gave us money for the washer and dryer and will pick them up Friday or Saturday! It certainly helps that we asked very little for the appliances. I really felt like we couldn't ask a whole lot, considering we didn't know the age of the appliances or how well they worked since we have never used them. PLUS, most of the kitchen appliances were COVERED in grease! (One of the major motivations in selling them!) The few hundred dollars that we got for them is being put towards new ones! We got a great combo deal at hhGregg on pretty, stainless steel, CLEAN, new appliances that will be delivered on Monday!!
The third flooring guy that we hired is supposed to start today! I hope, I hope, I hope!! I can't wait to see those floors! We have awesome friends coming Friday afternoon to move the big things - beds, dressers, couch, table, etc. We will be camping out on the air mattress at the apartment through the weekend until we have appliances!
The counter-top people are measuring for their template on Monday. New counters will be installed in 2 weeks!
Moral of the story...Moving is STRESSFUL! But hopefully it will all be worth it. Now...I should get back to packing...blah.
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Who authorized this blogging break?!?!
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