Today's run got moved to this afternoon, after work - just a 30 minute run. It was a little warm and the humidity was up a little. I was up really late last night working on the essay that is due Friday. And it looks like it will be another late night. But I need a break from Africa and famine.
I went for a run last Saturday mid-morning when it was way too hot and way too humid. It felt like my head was going to pop off and that I just couldn't get enough oxygen. I had to take a couple walk breaks to get my breathing under control even though my muscles felt fine and my heart rate was normal. This made me realize how much better and necessary it will be to run in the morning. Also, I realized that I need to figure out a water system, like a belt that holds water bottles. I don't need much of an excuse to spend money at Dick's Sporting Goods. I have already made quite an investment in my running by buying a Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS watch. I love it. It records everything - from my speed, pace, distance, to my heart rate. I have always been bad about keeping a constant pace, so I think this has helped me keep track. It will be really important during the marathon to not start out too fast, but to keep a constant 9 minute per mile pace.
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