Monday, October 28, 2013


Our neighbor's cat acts like he owns the neighborhood.  He often visits our house and hunts around for food to play with.  He also provides entertainment!

Eleanor loved it!  The cat also loves it and left plenty of fur all over the deck and window.

Yesterday was a big day for Eleanor.  We walked on stage at church and took vows to raise Eleanor  in the church and to help her develop a relationship with Christ.  After the dedication and service there was a reception and pictures.  (Hopefully their pictures turned out better than the two I took!)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Basket time!

Some days the only way that I get a shower is if Eleanor hangs out in the basket with toys!

As she is working on her leaning and reaching, she has been upgraded to the larger basket.

Eleanor also helps with laundry!

She taste tests it to make sure it is was dry.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

6 mo Check-up

E had her 6 mo check-up yesterday, including more immunizations and a flu shot.  She got a new book from the doctor and then a shopping spree at Barnes and Noble.  Her pediatrician recommended a "face book" for Eleanor.   Craig and I were laughing until we slowly realized that he meant: a book with babies faces.  So we found "face book" book, plus several others that she is enjoying.  We probably need to start going to the library!
Eleanor is 27 1/4 inches long (90-95%), 19 lb 8 oz (95-97%), and 45 cm head circumference (95-97%).
She loves:
*blowing raspberries
*being in the standing position
*banging her toys to make loud noises
*chewing on everything (one tooth has poked through the gum)
*daddy's funny sounds
*being squeezed by daddy
*looking at herself in the mirror
An extra nap today after an eventful day yesterday.

West Baden Springs Hotel

Sunday was a beautiful day to visit West Baden
We went on a guided tour, this time visiting the gardens
The four towers are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
(The fourth tower is just hiding in this picture)

Beauty everywhere

Eleanor was soaking all the information and history in during her nap
Where one of the springs used to be

Looking out on the long brick driveway from the front of the hotel

The restored stain glass in the lobby

100 feet to the top

Fireplace with the gnome mascot, Sprudel

Sun shining in!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Eleanor still dislikes tummy time, so this is her newest trick to try to reach what she sets her eye on.

Leeeeaaaaan and reach!

Never mind that there are plenty of toys around, she would rather have the lotion!

Such a big girl!

Hill climb weekend

Sleeping Hannah

Hannah toes!

Grayson was hiding

Grayson and Mike waiting for the parade in the rain


The girls happen to bring the same outfit to Nanna's!

Mom had her hands full!

E and Uncle Craig loving on Grayson

Grayson and Sarah crashing through the blocks 

6 months

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Watch Out...

If you fall asleep on a walk, you might just get attacked by a leaf!  (She didn't even notice!)