Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fun Times

I came home from work one day to Eleanor dressed like this...

If she has anything to say about it, she prefers one sock off!

Olcott Park

After church

Monday morning…yuck!

1st gymnastics class!

Actually reading instead of eating a book!

Some of my favorites (in no particular order)…We got to enjoy some Upland Wheat and food outside on a quick date!  It was wonderful!

I got this fun picture texted to me on my way home from work!  Craig was home first and enjoying some extra play time with Eleanor.

But then I got home…Eleanor was excited and I wasn't holding her hand tight enough and she crashed in the driveway.  There was lots of tears, screaming, and blood.  Her first big boo boo!  It was traumatic  for all of us!

Friday, April 18, 2014

1 year check-up

*24 lbs 1 oz (90%)
*30 in. (75%)
*47.5 head cir (97%)

*12 teeth
*favorite toys: baby dolls and balls
*says: mama, dada, bubbles, ball, belly button, bye bye, uh oh, bunny
*signs for: more, all done, milk, hear
*loves music and to dance
*loves being chased and playing peek-a-boo
*gets an ornery look on her face when she realizes that the remote or a phone is within reach
*loves clapping
*loves giving her teddy bears kisses
*loves being outside and going on walks
*loves cheerios and yogurt
*favorite songs: wheels on the bus, itsy-bitsy spider
*dislikes strangers being in her personal space…especially the doctor!
*dislikes holding still long enough for a new diaper