Friday, April 18, 2014

1 year check-up

*24 lbs 1 oz (90%)
*30 in. (75%)
*47.5 head cir (97%)

*12 teeth
*favorite toys: baby dolls and balls
*says: mama, dada, bubbles, ball, belly button, bye bye, uh oh, bunny
*signs for: more, all done, milk, hear
*loves music and to dance
*loves being chased and playing peek-a-boo
*gets an ornery look on her face when she realizes that the remote or a phone is within reach
*loves clapping
*loves giving her teddy bears kisses
*loves being outside and going on walks
*loves cheerios and yogurt
*favorite songs: wheels on the bus, itsy-bitsy spider
*dislikes strangers being in her personal space…especially the doctor!
*dislikes holding still long enough for a new diaper

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