Tuesday, January 28, 2014

9 month check-up

Ht: 29 in (90%)
Wt: 21 lbs 10 oz (90%)
Head cir: 46.5 (97%)

*pulling blanket over her face for peek-a-boo
*crawling away and getting chased
*biting! (currently cutting her 6th tooth)
*standing and walking along the couch
*peach yogurt
*chewing on books
*giving slobbery kisses

Eleanor is wearing the robe my grandma made me when I was little!

I'm not sure that Eleanor likes being without clothes, as much as she doesn't like to sit still to put them on.  Sometimes we are lucky to get the diaper on!

Eleanor has to be watched very closely around books or they end up being her snack with cardboard and paper pieces all over her mouth.

Eleanor's side of the story:  "Daddy dressed me."
Craig's side:  "Eleanor picked out her clothes."

Yummy peach yogurt!

$3 jeans!!  Score!

Somedays when the fireplace is just too tempting to play on, sitting in a box is best for everyone.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This picture was taken at Bloomington Area Birth Services (BABS).  Our favorite Lactation Consultant, Ann Marie, was interacting with Eleanor while she was on my lap.  The BABS website has been updated and I found this picture on their new site. 
I first started going to BABS for prenatal yoga.  I credit the yoga for keeping working/walking during my pregnancy, but it was also so good for me mentally.  Now we average going to BABS about once a week.  We attend Nurse & Chat twice a month and Eleanor's Music Together class was also held here.  
Ann Marie was the consultant that had the knowledge and expertise to diagnose Eleanor's tongue and lip tie and helped us seek the treatment she needed.  We had a very rough start on our breastfeeding journey and I know that we would not have been successful without Ann Marie's help.  We love BABS!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Once upon a Polka-dot Saturday

Running errands before the snow hit

Her newest game is hiding during peek-a-boo.  This is also helpful when you don't want to eat sweet potatoes!

Last week's snow...

…accumulated more than the "blizzard" produced!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy 9th Anniversary!

"Give the gift of garlic breath"  

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Christmas at the farm
Spoiled by Aunt Trudy and Uncle Chuck

Christmas at Nana's
Nana and Mike loving on Hannah
Silly girl!
Grayson playing with his new toy from Aunt Toni and Uncle Mike
Grayson looked pretty sharp for church!

Christmas with the Bartons

Christmas family self portrait

Aunt Cori's gift from Eleanor

E checking out Grandpa's popcorn

Happy girl

Checking out all the new toys!