Sunday, May 18, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Daddy's helper

Craig installed some gates this week to make sure that Eleanor can't sneak up the stairs without us.  She loves to help and will follow directions to take things to daddy.

Yesterday she really wanted to help daddy mow!

Luckily she can't open the door…yet.

April catch-up

After church it was fun to play in the yard

She is still working on learning how to blow the dandelion seeds

Back inside to try to avoid nap time 

She loves her bear and puppy

She loves to be silly too!

E had her first trip to Wonderlab Museum

She LOVED playing in the water, like most kids do

I believe this demonstrated momentum, but E just loved it because it was a ball!

Outside in the Wonderlab garden

After a bath, being silly!



The Easter bunny came to Eleanor's house!

She wore her new Easter dress to church!

After nap and lunch, it was Easter egg hunt time!