Thursday, November 19, 2009


"Thank you for registering for the 2010 500 Festival Races (OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, Finish Line 500 Festival 5K, and the 500 Festival Training Series, presented by OrthoIndy) Entry."

I signed up for the Indy mini marathon: May 8th 2010! in 169 days!

"Congratulations on completing your registration for the fifth annual SunTrust National Marathon, Half Marathon, and Half Marathon Relays in Washington, D.C., the only marathon held entirely within the boundaries of the District of Columbia. The race provides the thrilling opportunity to run past all of the historic monuments, museums and corridors of the city while being the fastest flat-looped marathon in the country and a Boston Marathon qualifying race."

I signed up for a marathon: March 20th 2010!! in 120 days!!

Whoo hoo! The training has begun!

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