Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chicago MidWinter

EDC staff photo
I work with a great group of people! This picture was taken at Christmas with all the staff! A new "commercial" was recorded recently for our yellow page ad on the web. The very cute 7 year old in the video is my boss's daughter Lauren. There is also a 360 tour of our remodel.
Every February the Mid Winter Dental meeting is held in Chicago.  My co-worker and I drove up Wednesday after work for classes on Thursday and Friday.  This is the view out our hotel room on the 37th floor!

Lisa and Daniele with their Starbucks in the morning on the shuttle on the way to the conference center.

This guy was doing magic tricks and he had everyone sign up to win a XBox360, but you had to be present to win.  My co-worker Shari had signed up so I was waiting with her until he was finally done with his whole demonstration.  I decided to sign up too and eventually he got to the part where he was calling out names.  After about 12 names, with the winner not being present, he called out my name!  You should have seen the looks on the faces of everyone in the crowd!  They were so disappointed to finally see someone raise their hand!  So I gave them my information and even took a picture with the guy.  I have no need for a XBox and I would not have had the patience to wait if it wasn't for Shari, so of course I will be giving it to her.  (If it really does arrive in the mail!)

I had the BEST pulled pork on top of lettuce and avocado at the Fireplace Inn!  We had a great meal with the 8 of us from our office that attended the conference.

The next morning we woke up to SNOW!  Not a lot, but it was pretty!

We walked the floor for all the latest and greatest in the dental world.  I fell in love with a few things that would definitely make my life easier in the clinical setting.  Our boss was nice enough to purchase a few new instruments and some new fluoride products.

Daniele and Shari - on the shuttle back to the hotel.  Great trip, but exhausting!

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