Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday night was hot and humid...perfect for an outdoor project.  It was an easy enough project that I could handle on my own, since Craig was busy with writing a paper.
I got all the grass dug out...
...and added mulch on Saturday morning!  It looks better and it will be easier for me to mow around.
We put together a few potted plants to spruce up the front porch and back deck.

Pretty petunia!
Our cherry tomatoes are doing so well!  I can't wait!
Monday we spent some time at the farm visiting/working with the fam.  Beverly, 10, was very thrilled with driving the tractor.  In this picture she is throwing back some goldfish while Craig and Chad are loading the cart.

Lady enjoying the shade

It was sooo hot, so anything to stay cool - Audrey watering the plants...and herself, her sister, Craig, Chad.  She had fun!

Bev and Aud.  Hard to believe Beverly has grown up so much since she was our little 3 year old flower girl!

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