Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Eleanor had her 4 mo check up today.  She is growing well and continuing to rank high in the percentiles.  She weighs 17 lbs 9 oz!  She is a chunk!
*She loves to sit up (with help) and see what is going on!
*She loves her jumper seat
*She is very good at drooling
*She is very good at pouty lip (and crying when anyone but mom and dad hold her)
*She loves "helping" mommy while she is forward-facing in the carrier
*She is very good at smiles, playing with toes, rolling over, and "talking"

Almost daily I am caught by surprise at just how much I love her.  I have always wanted to be a mom, and I am so grateful to be blessed by having Eleanor in my life.  Some days I still can't believe I am a mom and that Eleanor is our sweet baby.  I thank God every day for her!

1 comment:

Carol said...

She is beautiful and you are a fantastic beautiful Mom. She definitely is a gift from God. Thank you Lord for them both, and yes, Craig too. Love you all.