Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hope hope hope

Update on the house...

Originally we thought we would have 3-4 couples to show the house to - people that are interested in a 3 bed, 2 bath house in Clinton. We thought we would try to sell the house on our own before having to pay a realtor. The first couple can't decide if they want to buy right now or not, the next couple put a bid on another house on the day they were supposed to look at ours, and the third couple was never really an option. However, we did show our house yesterday and the lady wants to come back tonight! So while this sounds positive, we are trying not to get our hopes up too high. We have an appointment on Monday to hire a realtor. Craig will be leaving next weekend to start work on July 6th. So it will soon be more complicated as far as our availability to show the house.

We started a website to help advertise our home:

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