Monday, October 6, 2008

MaRaThOn WeEk!!!

Yay! This is marathon week. It is really weird to look at the last line of my training schedule and realize I am almost finished!

I ran 8 miles on Sunday afternoon by myself. This is a very hectic week for Craig and he is very busy studying for 2 exams and writing a huge paper. I came home Sunday after church and took a much needed 4 hour nap. I got up and took off before the sun went down. I guess I wasn't fully awake because I didn't take any water or Gu with me. You would think I wouldn't do something so dumb this late in my training. However, I really felt fine until I got the dreaded dehydrated headache after the run.

I purchased my last few items for the race. I bought a long sleeve under armour shirt in case it is cold, a new pair of socks, and some more Gu. long as I have thought of everything, I should be prepared for the race.

I checked the weather for Chicago today 3 different times. For race day it said 30% chance of rain, then it changed to cloudy with cool temps. The last time I checked, the temperature had raised almost 4 degrees for the high and the low. UGG!! I guess there is no sense in really looking at it this far out. Sunday morning will tell!

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