Monday, December 8, 2008


I am totally grossed out! We had a mouse! Yuck! I found my apple on the kitchen table had been nibbled on. We put out traps and within a couple hours the mouse had been caught!

I have an irrational fear of mice. Some people are afraid of spiders or snakes, but for me it is mice. I had a bad experience when I was younger where I actually stepped on a dead one with my bare foot. I am on top of furniture and screaming whenever I see them. So even though the greedy, grimy, nasty thing has been caught, I am still paranoid. I know it has friends. Tonight when I was doing the dishes the static in my pajama pants made me think that a mouse was touching me.

(The only reason I took the above picture is because Craig didn't believe me when I told him that a mouse had gotten on the table and eaten our apple. He said, "You probably just dropped the apple." So I took the picture and showed it to him while he was sitting safely on the couch!)

Once I feel like the house is de-moused and de-germed maybe I will get the Christmas decorations out!

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