Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Game Plan

We have finally figured out what is going with my ankle. It all started after the first of the year and continued to get worse until I couldn't be in denial anymore. I went to a sports chiropractor who has been really great at trying to figure out what is going on. They tried a couple techniques and I saw some improvement, but still wasn't able to run. The pain was the most intense after I ran most of 18 miles in the snow. Last week we decided to do an MRI to check everything out. The MRI came back negative for a stress fracture but showed some swelling and a ligament sprain. The plan is to get treatments twice a week until the race to speed up healing. I will continue running in the pool and cycling to try to maintain some level of fitness. I can't wait for the race, which is only 18 days away, but I have no idea how my performance will be. The whole purpose in doing a second marathon was to improve and have more fun than I had at the last hot and humid race. I hope it is possible to feel good through the whole race and enjoy the beautiful landmarks and scenery.

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