Thursday, November 20, 2008


It has been snowing off and on this week! Actually only spotted flurries. I guess when it gets this cold, it is a little easier to believe that Christmas is on the way!

I put off writing my paper all week. I finally sat down last night and wrote the whole thing. The paper is about my relationship with God. It has made me realize just how evident God has been in my life and how thankful I should be. Even though there are things that I would change about my past, I know that God has a reason and lesson for each event.

Working out at the gym is going far. Usually I stay motivated for at least a week before I try coming up with excuses for not wanting to work out. Any excuse will do..."I don't feel like it."..."It's Thursday."..."I should go home and do the dishes/laundry/wash my hair, ect." I have found that my ipod is very essential to working out in the gym because I don't have the changing scenery to distract me from my discomfort.

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